Friday, 2 November 2012

Small Things Aren't So Small After All

You can tell a lot about a company's culture and where it is headed by how it celebrates. This week I had the opportunity to experience a new organization celebrate Halloween. They celebrated it well. Here is what I saw and heard:

- The office was well decorated in all areas
- Most people dressed up
- The CEO and the rest of the leadership team dressed up
- A party was held and everyone who wasn't on a call attended
- Employees were invited to bring their children for "trick or treat"
- Parents got the opportunity to introduce their kids to their colleagues
- The emcee was fun and considerate about the children ("Let's not clap too loudly in case it scares our little ones.")
- There was audience-based voting for best costume contests
- Premium parking spots were raffled off to employees who were nominated by peers for being helpful
- People had a great time and were smiling a lot
- Next year's party is on the 2013 calendar

In a meeting I was facilitating, someone noted that a company's culture is defined by thousands of small things that shape how people feel about the company. Not long afterwards, a person came into the boardroom asking if she could take the team's picture in costume. She wanted to add it to a recruitment brochure with the caption, "Do you want to work for a company like this?" Small things aren't so small after all.



  1. This is a great sign that there are fun companies out there to work for. Engaging your employees to celebrate events like this are important to making them feel like they are part of a great team.

    1. David, it is encouraging. The good feelings of community are felt long after the celebrations and help team members work productively together. Thanks, Phil

  2. companies that remember that people are people first and employees next, are able to engage them in ways that matter...

    1. Alka, what I find most telling is the intent behind the celebrations. Most people appreciate sincerity, respect, appreciation and being treated as people first, and reward organizations by giving their best. Thanks,Phil
