I do the same when people ask me about my book. The first thing I share is the most recognizable accolade. I highlight the best of what people value in Change with Confidence.
This week I got a new highlight. On Wednesday at 11 am, I received an email from a friend saying, "Great review by Harvey in the Globe and Mail today". This is a big deal. For those outside of Canada, the Globe and Mail is Canada's national newspaper with paid weekly circulation of 143,000. Harvey Schachter is an award winning and highly respected writer who specializes in management and business issues.
Harvey Schachter |
Given the unlikeliness of finding a printed copy of the Globe and Mail in Miami, I searched for the article on my Blackberry. My mind was working faster than my fingers and I impatiently tapped on the Google search button while it was in mid-search. Once the article appeared, I reread the title and my name a few times before going further, as if to confirm, "Yes, that's my book and yes that's my name." It's funny what you do when you are excited.
The Change with Confidence review, "A nuts an bolts guide to managing change", is long (845 words), comprehensive and thorough. It provides an excellent overview of the content and format of my book. I am grateful.
Another friend emailed me today asking how my book was doing. I responded, "Really well. It was reviewed in the Globe and Mail this week."
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