first met Dr. Len Karakowsky, Professor of Human Resource Management at York
University, in the spring of 2013 just after my book was published. We were
introduced by someone we both knew and had an excellent conversation about our
passion for change management.
after, I spoke at Len’s Organizational
Change and Development course that is part of York’s Master of Human Resource Management program. I was delighted and honoured when Change with Confidence was added to the
course reading list the next semester.
Len and I had discussed getting feedback on my book from
his students. I was excited by the prospect of people commenting on what was
useful (and not useful), based on their experience and needs.
winter session included a critical book report on Change with Confidence:
For Change
with Confidence: On a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being the highest rating), how
helpful is this book to you as an HR professional who will be involved in
managing or leading change? What area(s) is/are this book’s biggest strength(s)
and what is/are its biggest weakness(es) as a change management tool for YOU
(or your organization)? Why?
StephanieTirelli, Emily Candy and Anne Gibbs kindly agreed to share their excellent
reports. Reading them brought me back to the time when I was making decisions
about what and how I would share my advice.
are most of the strengths and weaknesses and my reflections on them:
I am
grateful for Stephanie’s, Emily’s and Anne’s reviews of my book. It
is instructive to validate things that are useful and identify things that
aren’t. Both have me thinking and both will make me better off for future projects.
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