Wednesday 16 November 2011

How to Unwrap a Gift So You Fully Appreciate It

The other day, I was scrolling through a technical newsletter (to improve my social media strategy!) and I came across an intriguing article called 'Unboxing the Kindle Fire.' A lot has been written about this low cost, high value tablet but this was the first article I had seen about how to properly unveil one. Since feedback is like a gift, this was an apt analogy for opening my reviewers' comments on the sample excerpt they have read.

Like most things in life, there are bad, good and best ways of doing them. I reasoned it would be wise to put some thought into how best to open my feedback to make the most of the experience. 

Here are the guidelines I follow:

- Open one gift at a time
- Unwrap it slowly
- Look at the whole gift first and then look at 
the details 
- Appreciate why the giver chose the features - they were selected  for a purpose
- Keep the packaging - care was put into the wrapping, which is an important part of the gift
- Enjoy the experience
- Be grateful

To push the analogy further, I will line up my gifts and look for trends. Are there common themes? Any types of gift I haven't received? What is the best order in which to explore them?

It is better to give than to receive, but receiving is great, too!


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