Monday 26 December 2011

Can you be strategic about holiday reading?

Holiday reading lists are dangerous things. They can lead to disappointment if your appetite is bigger than the time you have to feast. I made this mistake last year. The challenge is that there's so much you want to read and so little time in which to do so. Since family and friends come first, reading can be relegated to the "I will do it soon" pile.

Here is my pared down list:

'Hearts and Minds' is a book written by a close friend, Dan Azoulay, who was an inspiration for writing my book. He captures the essence of romance in Canada between 1900-1930 based on 20,000 letters written to magazine 'correspondence columns'.  It's an engaging read. 

'On Writing Well,' is William Zinsser's excellent guide to writing clearly and compellingly. I was half way through it in June when I decided it was time to start writing my book versus reading about how to do it.

'Writing a Winning Non-Fiction Book Proposal' is a  'how-to' guide written by the Chairman and former CEO of Thomas Nelson Publishers. I'm excited about starting the research for the next phase of my adventure.

There are many other unread books staring at me from my bookshelf. I have learned they need to stay there. I'm enjoying getting back to reading, when I'm not visiting with family and friends.


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